Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Facebook Pages Change Over this Week

Expect your Facebook page to change whether or not your business is ready for it by the end of the week. So what is the minimum that you need to do?

You need a graphic---851px x 315px. If it's not the right size it will be cut by Facebook's program and sometimes that doesn't look so great. Once the photo/graphic is uploaded it can be moved around if necessary to get the photo at the best advantage.

You'll also need a square image 180px x 180px. Your logo or picture that you have been using may be something that you can continue to use. Or this is may be an opportune time to update your images and make sure that your whole front page reflects your branding and what you do. 

Updating these images is the bare minimum that needs to be done. There are a many things that you can add to the body of the page and many things you can do to manipulate the information on your page to make a better experience for your visitors.  


Monday, March 26, 2012

More on our Facebook campaign

The Facebook campaign for our client continues to garner likes and added benefits. Customers are coming to the page to provide complimentary comments on products and services. They are complimenting staff---making everyone's day better. They are visiting the website, signing up for newsletters, and making the business their own.

So far the campaign has added benefits unforeseen.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More on our Facebook Rollout

Giving away $10 in merchandise, no strings attached, increased activity on Facebook by 300%.

A newsletter sent out to a subscriber list solicited likes to the page. We had postings and fliers for the store. And with all the happy customers, the word is getting out that the local store is a premier place to shop and do business. We've gotten unsolicited positive feed back posted to our timeline regarding store personnel and service. We've taken advantage of opportunities for enhanced service.

The magic of the campaign is that it is reasonably priced advertising that connects directly with the customer---giving value to the people who are directly important to the business as customers  and rewarding those who love the business through word of mouth---a win--win connection directly between business and customers.

And you really can't beat that.  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Facebook and Small Business

We're doing a Facebook start up for a small local business. Over the next few weeks we'll be engaging customers, recruiting likes, tweaking the pages.

In the last few days what has become most apparent is that, for the initial start up anyway, it is imperative that an in store program is developed to launch the program. Fliers, a way for customers to log on in store and post a like, and posters for windows and doors announcing the Facebook role out help get the word out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Your Facebook Profile Picture

Facebook's new format places that Profile Picture at even a bigger premium than before. In a square 180 pixels by 180 pixels you need to tell the world who you are---your brand. And some of the biggest brands miss the boat.

I cringed when visiting one of my favorite congressman's page and found that his profile was a picture of him at a podium---several feet back from the podium. It's even doubtful if anyone could make out who was at the podium with 3000 pixels---a missed opportunity.

There is no mistaking Coke's profile picture though, even as they are adjusting the branding again. Amazon, Tide, Target, and Kmart all cram their branding into 180 pixels by 180 pixels that is easily identifiable no matter how small the image is reduced---a challenge well met.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

Facebook Timeline

We're busy re-doing Facebook pages this week. I've looked at many of the big guys pages to get ideas--see what they're doing; they, after all have huge staffs.

I like Walmart's page the best so far. They're page is bright and fresh---the framed pictures are representative of Walmart customers and products, yet the cover photo still complies with Facebook guidelines. Brand identification is Walmart's sunny logo---not quite what I'd pick but it is growing in identification.

The "about" section includes a quote from Sam Walton that personifies Walmart's mission---an excellent subtle marketing effort for this area. I would have added a link to the Walmart website to this area.

But the best part of this page is what they did to the links section. A spot for photo's, a local Walmart locator, feedback link, and meal recipes are sure to draw customers in to socialize, engage, and share in Walmart's space.        

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Coco's biscuits

An addendum to Monday's post:

One week later I received an email back from the dog biscuit company. I received the information, the company kept a local customer, and Coco has a supply of biscuits.

So don't forget about those patient web customers---they may be your best customers yet. If you decide to implement a website, make provisions to keep it up to date and staffed to insure your customers get the service that they deserve, ensuring future sales.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hello? Are You Still in Business?

The other day the store that carried my pooches favorite brand of dog biscuits quit carrying them. My dog has been pleading with me to find another supply. Looking on the packaging as I doled out the last biscuit I noticed a website address. I thankfully emailed the company with a request to send information on other suppliers.

That was over a week ago. My pooch, Coco, is so terribly sad.

This happens all the time with all sorts of services and products. I've emailed a manufacturer of a specialty device, with the same results. Companies that, for whatever reason, post a wonderful, informative website; then don't maintain it and, worse yet, provide contact emails and web forms and don't allot resources to respond to inquiries.

A growing segment of the population likes communicating via email. Email (and email via web forms) is a great way to avoid telephone tag. It is a pretty efficient way of communicating for both parties. Not only can someone send a message during 2:00 A.M. insomnia, but the answering party isn't required to respond during that Monday morning rush period and can provide responsive service back at a more convenient time.

But even companies with the most responsive telephone service often fail miserably when it comes to email. If you are doing your first website or revamping your current site, take a moment and commit resources to answer that most convenient of customers---those willing to wait for your convenience for an answer to that question---your email/website customer.